The King of Sports
Baseball! Some say that it was Albert Einstein who baptized baseball as the king of sports. It is said that the scientist baptized baseball in the old Yankee Stadium when he realized all the variables that this sport can present and how unpredictable it can be since nothing is solved until the last out. Michael Aubrecht, historian and writer on the Civil War and MLB, quotes Einstein in his baseball almanac: “You teach me baseball, and I’ll teach you relativity… no, we shouldn’t. You’ll learn relativity relatively faster. You will learn relativity relatively faster than I would learn baseball.”
Another theory that explains its famous nickname lies in the fact that it was the first sport broadcast on radio. Therefore, they attribute the alias to the United States because there, in the 1920s, it was the first sport broadcast on radio and then on television.
Whichever version is correct, baseball is of great importance in our environment because it is a sport in which teamwork must be developed. Therefore, players stop carrying an individualistic mentality when entering the field and start with a group mentality.
And fans enjoy watching it, either live or on television. When a big game is coming up, it’s normal to see them getting ready to enjoy a great experience in their baseball uniforms. And yes, maybe it is not as popular as other sports, because the essential baseball equipment includes: a hardball, a wooden or aluminum bat, a glove, leather pads for each player, cleats and protective helmets for the batters. If you have a little more budget, include some beautiful baseball uniforms. Plus, it requires a lot more strategy than kicking a ball from side to side of a field.
As for the benefits that baseball brings to those who play it, it is a modality that is very demanding in terms of reflexes -which need to be developed-. It is also necessary to have speed and strength in the arms. One of the most well-known benefits of playing this sport is the burning of calories. It is estimated that baseball burns about 300 calories per hour of play. By reducing fat, also improves the figure and health of those involved in this sport. The practice of this specialty can be very useful in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, as well as in having an excellent physical condition.
In the muscular aspect, different body areas such as the abdomen, legs, forearms, and wrists are developed. All this, thanks to the movements that take place at all times of this increasingly practiced sport. It develops, therefore, great flexibility in the muscles. People who play baseball learn to work as a team, strengthen their bonds of friendship and the ability to communicate, acquiring the necessary discipline and respect. Players also acquire competitive behavior and build self-confidence.
Good endurance can be obtained by playing baseball since it is necessary to run, bat, and be very attentive, so it favors the concentration and speed of reflexes mentioned above. Therefore, baseball develops motor skills, muscle building, and exercises the whole body. And it prevents obesity and sedentary lifestyles.
In short, it is ideal for weight loss, helps to lead a healthy lifestyle, improves coordination and flexibility, combats stress, helps to improve concentration and the cardiovascular system, burns calories and fat, tones the body, increases physical endurance, generates well-being and is also a lot of fun.
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