Engagement Rings – Color and Clarity

An engagement ring always symbolizes a proposal of marriage, so often Instagram feeds are filled with these wonderful magical moments. You know those ones, right? Where slightly nervous, and eager, proposers are hovering on one knee, holding the diamond ring they have been offered by someone they barely know. The entire meaning of an engagement ring clearly says all it’s worth: engagement ring singapore is a tangible and clear symbol that you are loved, and that the particular person presenting the ring wishes to make your romantic relationship official.

But in order to make it truly meaningful, it needs to be both beautiful and unique, which is where color grade comes into play. Most engagement rings can be found in standard colors like white or yellow, but colorless diamonds are rare, usually reserved for very special occasions, like her wedding day. And yet, when presented in the best possible light, they can be anything but dull and unexciting–in fact, they can speak volumes all on their own. If you are seeking a more elaborate and extravagant engagement ring, colorless diamonds are the way to go.

Color grade is simply a term denoting the relative colorlessness of the diamond. A rare, almost flawless pink diamond is going to be far different than a similarly colored rose gold diamond. Colorless diamonds come in all shapes and sizes, but they tend to be most popular in the round shape, as the cuts tend to be more geometrical in nature. While there is no exact science to this, generally speaking, round cut engagement rings tend to be more expensive than those with a pear or heart shaped diamond. But then again, this is the type of engagement ring that is most likely to be gifted, so any expense is understandable.

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